It’s not unusual for people with chronic conditions to feel sad or worried about the impact the condition may have on their life. Having a chronic condition can be emotionally challenging, but the good news is, there is help at hand. The Everyday Support Program is here to help you deal with these emotions in a positive way.
It’s important to remember if you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, talk to your doctor and healthcare team to help you develop a management plan.
As part of the Everyday Support Program, you will have access to a confidential support service including up to three telephone consultations with a trained psychologist. Here you can freely talk about how your condition is affecting you (physically and emotionally), get help with achieving your goals (like reducing your weight or increasing your physical activity) or talk through some management techniques. You get to choose what days and times to talk, or you can choose not to access the service at all. Whatever works best for you.
The most important thing is to remember that you are not alone. There are people around you who can help. And you can always get in touch with your Everyday Support Program. It is important to take that step of seeking help or support when you need it.
Booking an emotional support consult is easy. Simply let us know when you would like a call and what number to ring you on. It’s that simple.
The Everyday Support Program emotional support service can provide personalised advice to address any issue including:
So why not book an emotional support telephone consultation to help resolve issues in a positive way by helping to clarify the issues, explore options and develop strategies.
Remember, if you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, talk to your doctor and healthcare team to get help and develop a management plan.
To learn more about coping with your condition, try these sections:
Depression and Anxiety
Networking for Support
Self Management Support
Emotional Support
AU-CZ-2200039. October 2024. z24_3008
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